At some point earlier in the day, I had written quite a bit about my evening last night. Then, as I was writing, I started to feel a bit green from my evening last night, and I put it aside. Now, it is about 8 in the evening. So, I’m just going to give a brief synopsis of the evening.
1: Mandy picks me up at 5:50
2: We go to the Cabana
3: Her friend Hotsie arrives
4: We drink
5: A lot
6: Hotsie leaves
7: We stay
8: We leave and head to The Villager
9: We drink and play music on the jukebox
10: We catch a cab home
11: In bed by 12:30
Though I spent a good part of the day drifting in and out of a hangover, I was able to get to the Frist Museum to catch an exhibit with David, Carrie and Heidi. We also made it to the Nashville farmer’s Market that made for some lovely photo ops.
I love these last two pics. They were taken in an International Market. What crazy graphics. The cookie eaters have a somewhat knowing, sinister look in their eyes. Perhaps the eating of Oxford Sweetened Cabin Biscuits gives them the ability to read your thoughts. Funky.
I am going to a neo-noir French gangster flick later this eve. Will report more tomorrow - also the day of the show by the way.
Bevy of Beauties: Paramount Starlets in 1934
Martha Merrill, Victoria Vinton, Marie Marks, Monica Bannister,
Ruth Eddings, Ethelreda Leopold, Adele Lacy and Mary Cassidy
Original content copyright...
5 hours ago
That sounds like a very fun evening.
Especially the part where Hotsie arrives.
And the part where you drink.
A lot.
Ha ha... I concur.
Oxford Sweetened Cabin Biscuits:
Hello Michael,
When the biscuits print first came out, some other biscuits only have words on their pack not graphics.
Hope you did not buy the biscuits, because, that is an immemorial pack when digital art and colour separation has not been invented.
I guess they kept the pack now for for showcasing.
Try the new one:
Warm Regards,
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