Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Lovely long weekends...

Usually on Tuesdays, I do the "Self-Portrait Tuesday" thing. I will get to that in a bit, but I want to reminisce over the lovely long weekend that I had which stretched from last Thursday until today.
Ah... there, I'm done with the reminiscing.
One of the fun things that did happen during my long weekend was the viewing of the film "Dreamgirls".

It was one of the things that George wanted to do on his birthday - so we went that evening. I must admit, initially, I was a bit reluctant to see the film in the theatre (having placed it in the category of films that I would catch on pay per view or cable). So, after plucking down 9 dollars and some change each for tickets we found ourselves in the theatre for the 9:45 PM showing. In fact, we were the only people in the theatre for the entire show which I found odd, yet quite enjoyable.
I'm here to tell you that I was blown away by the film! The entire production was truly phenomenal - and the performances by the whole cast were simply perfect. Jennifer Hudson's performance was truly amazing. Period.
Her on screen rendition of "And I am Telling You I'm Not Going" was every inch the definition of "show stopper". While watching it, I couldn't help but see comparisons to another Oscar winning performance by a young actress in her film debut, which also happened to be a musical...

Jennifer Hudson really was that good. Really. Anyone who really knows me, knows that I wouldn't say such a thing lightly. So, on my advice, go watch "Dreamgirls" on a big screen when you get the chance and see for yourself why she took home the Oscar.

Now, one of the other things that I did over my long weekend - was to rush Summer in my own little way...

I went blond. This is why I have had the same stylist for so many years.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down the pants...

It's early in the AM : pre-sunrise. I have a busy, yet fun filled day ahead. Now while I am one of those folk who have always been somewhat uncomfortable and apprehensive around clowns - I still found this story from CNN disturbing on many levels ...

Two Clowns Shot Dead During Performance.

It seems that there are people out there much more uncomfortable with clowns than I out there in the world. Perhaps the clowns had down him wrong, or maybe a love triangle gone bad. Maybe - they were actually mimes, which is a whole other story all together. Who knows? Clearly, the carnival business is the wrong business to get into down the South American way.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Edison, the Cat, and The Rifleman

The above image was taken this morning as I watched the sun rise over my coffee. Maxi the cat was interested in the morning sun as well. She is perched in her favorite spot on top of the Antique Edison Disc Phonograph. It was purchased new by George's grandparents in 1915 shortly after they married. Sometimes, when the mood hits, we crank it up and play some of the many old records that are still located in the drawers that are held within.

When you listen to them in connection to (and you are surrounded by) the early 20th century furnishings and design of our house - it's like going back in time. Anyone that knows me well, knows that I have always been enchanted by that time period (the teens, the 1920s and 1930s)- certainly my art is inspired by it.

Interestingly enough, if any of you happen to remember the television show "
The Rifleman"

(as seen above in the oddly suggestive yet somewhat disturbing imagery)

You may be interested to know that Johnny Crawford (who played Chuck Conner's character's son Mark on the program) is now a successful crooner specializing in music inspired by movies and recordings from the first half of the 20th century, especially from the 1920s and 1930s. He has a phenomenal myspace page and a rather amazing life story if I do say so myself. Now, I'm off to enjoy what appears to be the first sunny and warmer day that we have had here in quite some time.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Pissed off at the browser!

Man - I had an entire huge posting here all about my weekend and such and my goddamned browser crashed! Screw it - I don't have time now to repost it in it's entirety. It's Self-Portrait Tuesday -

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Throw Me Something Mister...

Miss me? Guess where I've been?

Ah - yes, the lovely New Orleans. My first time. What a great time it was. Every great thing that you may have heard about NOLA is true, as well as some of the not so good. I've had to hit the ground running due to my last few days of indulgence, but I'll get back on track soon. In any event, here are a few images of the wonderful trip...

Groovy shot of hip Uneeda Biscuit sign on an old building taken from a bar of course.

Nice night time shot of the amazing garden of the lovely Green House Inn where we stayed.

Inside of the Greenhouse Inn

Parades of course...

And fascinating cemeteries...

And colors everywhere...


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Eternal Embrace

I woke this morning to discover that a coating of snow had fallen silently during the evening. I remember at one point, perhaps around 3 AM, waking and casting my blurry gaze towards the little octagon window. I remember noticing that the sky was a bright rosy pink color and I thought to myself "could it be snowing". I then fell back into a deep sleep, only to discover 3 hours later that my half-conscious suspicions were correct.

Though, the temperature has remained quiet cold all day, the sun has thankfully melted most of the snow. I still have quite a bit on my to do list for the day - so read about this very cool discovery here...

Monday, February 05, 2007

It Will Be Fun!

It's Monday, Feb. 5, 2007. There are 6 weeks and two days before the first day of Spring.

I, along with millions of other people, last night watched Super Bowl XLI at a SB party last evening. Being a Colts fan, I was quite pleased with the results. But I'm not going to spend my posting today on a topic to be found at every corner.

I have a long list of to do items today but one errand in particular is quite out of the ordinary. My partner and I are going to look at - and purchase - cemetery plots. It's an odd thing I suppose, but the cemetery is lovely, overlooking the canal, and the plots are extremely affordable right now.

One of our friends is buried there already. In fact, the fellow who is showing us the plots also happens to be a close friend. He and his partner have plots as well, and as luck would have it, ours would be right next to theirs. As our friend said last night when we discussed the idea of purchasing the plots next to theirs - "It will be fun!". I got a good laugh out of that one if I do say so myself.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Friday, February 02, 2007

Groundhog Day!

I must admit that it has been many years since I was a fan of winter. As a child, of course, I adored the snow. It meant being out of school, playing all day in the crisp chimney scented air, snowmen the size of Stonehenge, and snowball warfare.

While I still appreciate the esthetic of such things, if given the choice between a rousing snowball fight in frigid air with wind chill factors or ocean scented tropically infused Key West sunsets with a colorful rum drink - guess which I’m going to opt for.

SO - it was with great joy that I read about Punxsutawney Phil's prediction of an early Spring.

By the way, Groundhog Day is still one of my favorite films and well worth renting.